sarah brand

How I Started My Blog and How you can too.

I vividly remember sitting on my couch during the pandemic, trying to come up with something to do that would keep me busy and potentially make me some money. I kept asking myself, “what could I do every day from my bed?” Suddenly, the idea hit me! Blogging! In the crazy year of 2020, I started my blog, “ CuteChaos.” Who knew a pandemic would make me want to start a blog. 

You’re probably wondering about my journey to starting a blog and if you should begin yours too. The answer is most likely yes. Yes, it is a ton of fun. Yes, you can make money. And yes you should start as soon as possible.

I will show you the simple steps I took to start my blog and how you can too. 

I will cover how to: 

1. Decide on your niche. 

2. Choose a name 

3. Choose your website  platform and hosting

4. Set up and design your blog 

5. Launch your blog 

Decide on your niche. 

The fantastic thing about blogging is that you can write about literally anything. There is no limit to what you can blog about. I highly recommend writing about something you are highly passionate about so that you never get stuck on what to write about. There are tons of niches you can choose from, here are just a few ideas.

  • Lifestyle 
  • Health and Wellness 
  • Self-improvement 
  • Travel 
  • Sports 

The niche that I choose was lifestyle mainly because there is so much to write about in that niche. I knew I had a passion for helping others and sharing my tips and tricks on how I dealt with the pandemic. 

Choose a name 

Your blog name is more than just a name. It’s how people refer to you. It is how people remember you. It is your brand. So please, choose your name wisely. Your name should be related to what you will be blogging about. 

The name Cute Chaos came into my mind while we were going through the pandemic. The world was a complete mess at the time, and everything seemed very chaotic. There has always been this false conception of Chaos being just crazy and wrong, but the truth is, we can learn and grow from it to better ourselves. That is the reason I added cute in front of it. You are probably wondering how it has anything to do with what I write about. Well, it does. I write about all the crazy and Chaotic experiences in my life and how they made me grow as a person. I share tips and tricks on how to get through those experiences.  

Choose your website platform and hosting.

Just like a restaurant needs a kitchen, you need a good blogging platform to prepare your blog content. Your blogging platform is where you go to write blog posts, upload photos, make edits, customize your theme, and so much more. I  honestly have had such a great experience using WordPress. In the blogging world, WordPress is the most commonly used blogging platform in 2021. 

Your blog hosting is like your blog’s home. Having blog hosting ensures the safety and security of your site. I highly recommend using a self-hosted platform so that you have complete control of your site and even make money. 

Bluehost has made my experience blogging effortless. Bluehost offers plans for just $3.95 (USD) or $5.25 (CAD) a month. That totals out to be only 60$ a year plus all the Opportunities to make money with your blog!

If you sign up right now, you will get my discount of 1$ off every month! All you have to do is use this link or any link in this post to receive your discount now – Bluehost. 

Set up and design your blog 

Although this step may seem super overwhelming, it isn’t. I worked closely with the Bluehost tech team to get my blog up and running. The process was simple, and their tech support was available within minutes of a phone call to assist me if I had any questions.

Launch your blog! 

Finally, you made it to the last step and are ready to launch your blog! 
I hope starting your own blog is a little bit easier after reading this. If you have any questions about blogging or about my blog please feel free to email me at [email protected].

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