sarah brand

Embrace the Chaos

Just admit it we are all trying to fake that we have it all figured out and that we are all doing well when we are not. It’s okay not to have everything figured out; most of us don’t. We bottle it up inside us because we are scared to share, and we think that its a disadvantage not to have it all together; we start to isolate ourselves and believe we aren’t as good as everyone else, but the truth is we are all the same. We all have our kind of chaos in our lives.

If I had to pick the most chaotic year of my life, it would be 2020, and I’m am sure I’m not the only one. Who would’ve thought life could change so dramatically in just one year. I never expected my freshman year at college to take place during a global pandemic. This year has made staying positive extremely hard to do (even for me). Over the past few months, as I have worked through the uncertainty of life, I have come to some realizations that have helped me stay positive and keep pushing forward.

For me, Embracing chaos means: To be open to the universe: to accept the uncertainty of life, and keep pushing forward. To take action towards goals and dreams no matter the risk. To stop overthinking about things outside of your control.

How to deal with life uncertainty?
Push yourself every day to embrace the chaos and keep moving forward regardless of how you feel.

How to embrace chaos in 3 steps
  1. Accept that the world is an unpredictable and uncontrollable place.

There will be many times in life when things don’t go as planned. We need to be careful not to let our expectations get too high, or else we will get let down. 

  1. Quit overthinking and stop trying to predict the future. 

When we put all our energy into predicting the future, we often lose sight of the present moment. There are times I spend all day worrying about the future, and by the end of the day, I realize how unproductive I was. If you focus on the present moment, the future will fall into place. 

  1. Move forward with life despite how you feel. 

Let me be real with you guys; you will not feel motivated every day, but that big Todo list isn’t going to get done on its own. Self-discipline is so crucial for pushing through times like these.

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