sarah brand

Coping with Online School during a Pandemic

Little did I know I’d be a freshman in college during a pandemic. My first semester of college was not a comfortable situation, and it took a lot of shifting and adjusting. My initial thought of online school was that it would be easy, but as time moved on, it was one of the hardest things I ever had to adapt to. At first, it was quite surreal to me, but now I’ve accepted the reality and have learned to cope with this change.

Though this pandemic was awful, it did teach me a couple of things:

Humans need social interaction.

Being unable to socialize took a significant toll on my mental health, and I’m sure I’m not the only one.  I never knew social interaction was so crucial to our happiness until the pandemic.

Humans adapt to changes.

When the pandemic first began, all I could ask myself was, “how am I gonna get through this?” It turns out that it is apart of human nature to adapt to these changes. As time moved on, wearing a mask became routine, and attending class through a computer screen became part of my everyday routine.

Life is precious, so we must enjoy it.

This pandemic has taught me to enjoy the good times. I would never have thought i’d miss going to concerts, family events, and in-person school as much as I do. When this is all over, I’m not wasting a moment of life.

Things that have helped me cope

Getting dressed:

I know you’re probably wondering what getting dressed for the day will do for you, but I promise It was one of the best coping strategies for me during the pandemic. I know nothing is better than lounging in your pajamas all day but getting dressed up for the day created a sense of normalcy.  Getting dressed and ready for school not only made life seem a little bit more normal but it also made me more productive. 

Going outside: 

Sitting inside, watching your computer screen all day is draining. Going outside is so simple but so beneficial to your mental health. I never knew the benefits of fresh air until I spent the whole day inside.

Using the pandemic as an excuse to focus on yourself: 

What better time is it than to focus on your own personal goals. Using the pandemic as motivation for my personal growth has helped me get through this challenging time. Focusing on goals has kept me busy and has made me a better person every day. 

Blue light blocking glasses ( I swear by):

I don’t know about you but staring at my computer screen all day gave me the worst headaches. Blue light blocking glasses block the harsh light going into your eyes and reduce headaches. If you get headaches like me, I highly recommend these glasses; they are super affordable. Here is the link so you can buy your own!

I hope you found this Blog somewhat helpful. I know times are challenging but keeping putting your best foot forward every day, and I promise good things will come from it!

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